CEU Course Offerings

Are you looking for some new engaging CEU courses to ensure your program and staff are meeting the state regulations? Imajine That Compass is here to help! Imajine That Compass is excited to be now offering CEU courses that are approved by Mass AEYC. You pick the topic from the approved CEU list, location, day and time and we will match you with one of our expert facilitators to deliver a customized training that will meet the needs of your program. That is right; we come to your location and will train on a specific topic that will be beneficial for you and your team.
Individualizing Curriculum
This CEU course will provide foundational information in curriculum planning, including how to adapt curriculum to meet the needs of individual children as well as the group. Through discussion, individual reflection, and small and large group activities, you will discover how to plan developmentally appropriate curriculum that supports the growth of all children and respects the diversity of children in your program. Focus will be on working with children with diverse temperaments and learning styles, as well as from diverse backgrounds and languages.
Introduction to the Massachusetts Guidelines for Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers
This training will provide an overview of the Massachusetts Early Learning Guidelines for Infants and Toddlers and the Guidelines for Preschool Learning Experiences. Both documents provide a comprehensive view of the typical development of young children while documenting experiences that educators can provide to support children’s continued learning. Participants will better understand their roles in helping children’s development and will be able to identify ways their current routines and activities support the Guidelines. Participants will become comfortable with using the Guidelines as a resource to plan appropriate curriculum for young children.
Nutrition and Feeding Issues in Early Childhood
With the increased awareness of the need for establishing healthy eating habits in early childhood, as well as the increase in working with young children with food allergies and special feeding issues, early educators are being called upon to have a greater degree of knowledge about nutrition and food allergies. In this CEU course you will gain the foundational information to incorporate healthy nutrition into your program, with a focus on creating an environment that meets the nutritional needs of all children. Discussion will include how to identify and handle food allergies and special feeding issues and how to create an action plan, as well as how to partner with families in order to respect and adapt to the diverse needs of children in your program.
Mission Driven Leadership Overview
This four-part course will support the development of a learning organization of professionals through improving and enhancing leadership and administration skills. The core knowledge of this series will focus on the ability to lead and work collaboratively with all members of the organization, influence school culture and effect change, progress, and improvement. The content of this coursework will emphasize the development of clear personal and institutional missions, visions, which drive strategic program and financial planning. The learner will explore all aspects of leading through change, the processes of developing sustainable, program development plans and individual professional development plans for quality improvement, and supporting critical thinking teams and coaching systems that deepen collegiality and are congruent with the mission.
Mission Driven Leadership Session 1
Identify personal beliefs, values, educational philosophy and leadership styles. Engage in discussion on how learning styles and emotional intelligence influence effective leadership. Participants will learn to distinguish mission from vision, and write both personal and professional statements, as well as have the ability to identify attributes of the visionary leader.
Mission Driven Leadership Session 2
Identify the characteristics of a competent learning organization. Discover the process of cultivating authentic and visionary leadership. Analyze the challenges and opportunities in leading early childhood programs today. Participants will understand and execute a visionary program planning process for managing and overseeing, coaching and mentoring, building and supporting a community. Participants will also learn how to create a staff meeting agenda, activity outline and calendar of events that build a positive program culture congruent with the mission.
Mission Driven Leadership Session 3
Participants will have the ability to compare and contrast corporate/organizational models and their structural characteristics. Develop a sound financial plan congruent with mission, vision, and core values. Analyze the potential risk, liability, and legal aspects of early education and human resource management. Discuss leadership decisions and evaluate administrative issues based on mission, philosophy, regulatory standards and a code of ethics.
Mission Driven Leadership Session 4
Participants will learn how to facilitate collaborative problem solving and enhance collegiality when developing an IPDP. Discover the process by which the adult learning community is strengthened through collaborative teaching, cooperative learning, coaching and mentoring.
Developmental Differences in Young Children: A Whole Child/Family Approach
1 credit for all 4 Sessions
This CEU presents a holistic view of working with children with developmental differences – from initial identification of concerns to partnering with families and community to adapting the curriculum and environment. Participants will become familiar with a range of behaviors and other developmental characteristics which could indicate a developmental problem in a child from birth to age 5 and will engage in an in depth discussion of specific red flags in each of six developmental domains. Observation and documentation strategies for tracking concerns will be explored and practiced. Participants will learn specific techniques for working with families around a concern related to their child and sharing referral and community resources, and will discover how to create an environment and adapt curriculum to facilitate learning experiences for all children.
Developmental Differences in Young Children Session 1
In this session we will examine typical developmental milestones of children from birth to age 5 and identify behaviors or characteristics that might indicate “red flags” for development. You will learn the importance of observing and recording behavior, and discover strategies and tools to do this effectively.
Developmental Differences in Young Children Session 2
This session will provide participants with a thorough understanding of temperament and its influence on development and behavior. An overview of research on the concept of temperament will be provided as well as an in depth description of the nine temperamental traits. Participants will become familiar with how characteristics of temperament combine into individual profiles resulting in children who are "flexible", "fearful", or "feisty" as well as the relationship of temperament to learning style. Discussion will include strategies for working with children with various temperaments and how to create an environment that is successful for all.
Developmental Differences in Young Children Session 3
This session will focus on communication with the family related to concern(s) you have about the child. Participants will examine the steps to take when preparing to approach parents; the skills needed to successfully convey your message, and how to deal with parental responses and reactions. Influences, which affect parental reactions, will be explored and ways to meet the parent “where they are” will be identified and practiced. Discussion will include referral strategies, “next steps” and how to integrate parental input into a child’s individualized goals curriculum plan.
Developmental Differences in Young Children Session 4
This session will provide participants with an understanding of the elements of inclusive educational practice in an early childhood setting. Participants will learn ways to create high quality learning environments, which support the diverse learning needs of all children. Through hands-on practice, they will learn ways to modify and adapt curriculum to promote individual learning.
Issues in Professionalism Overview
Early childhood and school age educators have a critical impact on the children and families they work with – their knowledge, behavior and attitude affect children and families every day! This course will focus on a variety of issues confronting early childhood and school-age educators as they navigate situations that require them to behave in a professional manner. Participants will explore the requirements of being a mandated reporter, learn how to effectively resolve conflicts, and engage in discussions and activities that help them discover the elements of professional identity and ethical conduct.
Issues in Professionalism Session 1
This session presents a history and application of the Ch 51A Law and the role of mandated reporters. Participants will become familiar with the behavioral red flags that indicate the possibility of abuse and/or neglect of children ages’ birth to adolescence. Participants will become familiar with best practices for working with families as well as the identified victim (child) of abuse and/or neglect. Participants will learn the requirements of the CH51A Law and filing requirement, including observation and documentation for tracking and reporting concerns. Participants will become familiar with the actions of a CH51A filing and the outcomes of that filing. We will review the 51A form and the expectations of the Department of Children and Families after a filing of a 51A.
Issues in Professionalism Session 2
You have engaged in conflicts since you were a toddler, and have undoubtedly continued to encounter conflict throughout your life- with strangers, friends, family, romantic partners, coworkers, merchants, and more. This session is designed to provide you with a deeper understanding of conflict, drawing from diverse disciplines including communication, psychology, politics, and business. We will focus on understanding and analyzing the layered sources and causes of conflict, the impact of power, personal styles, and perception, and the processes through which conflict can be managed and resolved. Activities, discussion groups, and simulations will provide opportunity to reflect, hone, and develop conflict management skills.
Issues in Professionalism Session 3
Participants will develop a professional identity by exploring the best practices models for professional behavior and professional boundaries. Through the use of lecture, discussion and group work, participants will leave with a clear professional identity and the ability to utilize that for addressing the needs of the program and the profession. Participants will explore the challenges presented by the use of professional boundaries and the outcomes of the choices professionals make.
Issues in Professionalism Session 4
This session presents the important need for professional ethics and ethical behavior. Participants will explore ethics and ethical responsibilities inherent in the role of working with families, young children and youth. Every day early educators may be presented with difficult situations in which the “right thing” is not always clear. Diverse perspectives will be identified to develop an understanding of ethical concepts and safeguards. Ethical codes of conduct will be applied to case studies to develop a thoughtful process to resolve ethical or legal conflicts, especially in working with diverse populations. Participants will reflect on ethical responsibilities to children.
Emergent Curriculum and Making Learning Visible in Early Education Settings*
This training focuses on the benefits of child-centered, emergent curriculum to enhance learning. The course will discuss how a child’s interest, strengths and needs drive learning. Through effective observation strategies and through questions children, themselves, present, participants will come to understand the unique characteristics each child brings. The critical role of the environment is discussed. An understanding of how to design and devise flexible activities, field trips and materials will be developed through small and large group collaboration and discussion. Participants, through discussion and hands-on activities will understand how open-ended activities and using a child-centered planning web can be the basis for brain-based learning. A look at documentation and how it serves to make learning visible, spark discussion, extend ideas and further learning will also be presented.
Building Math, Science and Literacy Skills: A Simple, Fun and Unified Approach Overview*
This training provides the latest research and information on the importance and application of authentic learning and experiences as it relates to number and operations, and geometry and measurement across the curriculum, in particular with science and literacy. Participants will brainstorm, collaborate and learn new strategies for facilitating emergent math skill building by integrating math across academic domains, with a particular focus on early science and literacy. A “Show and Tell” and Discover Book strategy for learning assessment purposes will be discussed.
Building Math, Science and Literacy Skills: A Simple, Fun and Unified Approach Session 1
(2.5 hrs) Explore the many ways math can be embedded within authentic early childhood learning environments! Learn how to enhance children's natural curiosity in mathematics in play and daily activities. Participants will brainstorm and apply the early learning concepts of number sense and sequencing, classification, sorting, comparisons, sorting, quantities, shapes and patterns using common classroom materials and activities. Math is everywhere! Breakout groups, understanding how to apply teacher "math talk" in informal, embedded strategies. Lots of hands-on fun for participants!
Building Math, Science and Literacy Skills: A Simple, Fun and Unified Approach Session 2
(2.5 hrs)- Children are born naturally curious. Participants will discover how to tap into this natural curiosity using an emergent curriculum approach. Discussion and creation of a "Wonderings Journal"- how to really hear all those questions children ask and from this, build exploration and discovery into their daily curriculum. Participants will explore common items, which can be used for scientific exploration, brainstorm ideas that surround new and innovative ways to use these items, and how to create a discovery/curiosity table to excite inquisitive minds.
Building Math, Science and Literacy Skills: A Simple, Fun and Unified Approach Session 3
(2.5 hrs)- Math and science are not always separate and distinct disciplines. Discover how as we explore curiosities, we naturally use math to explain it. Participants will discuss, (based upon the constructivist theory of drawing on children's existing knowledge and skills) and learn how to implement the "5 E's" of discovery: Engage-Explore-Explain-Expand-Evaluate. Participants will discover how, more often than they think, math and science flows together.
Building Math, Science and Literacy Skills: A Simple, Fun and Unified Approach Session 4
(2.5 hrs) Understanding that all learning is linked within authentic play and activities, participants will discover how to use books, centers and daily routines to develop pre-emergent literacy skill activities finding the science and math within the process. Participants will learn how to use common early childhood curiosity questions, design learning activities to build on knowledge, and utilize rich language, and children's literature to bring learning in a holistic approach. Breakout groups will focus on lesson plan designs, how to adapt to developmental needs, touching also on documentation and making learning visible. Participants will leave with a list of age appropriate literature and activities to bring math and science alive in everyday curriculum.
Strategies for Effective Observation**
One of the most important jobs we have as early childhood educators is observing children and using the information we gain from our observations to inform our curriculum planning and interactions. Explore why, what, who, where and how to observe and record children’s behavior and learning. We will engage in activities to practice observing and recording, and discover how to use the data to plan learning experiences for individual children and groups.
Teaching Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder***
Participants will be able to understand what behaviors might indicate possible ASD and how to document and present the information to parents using role-plays to practice. This training will review specific ways to teach social skills and participants will have the opportunity to write their own social stories to use in their programs.
* Specific facilitator approved course - L. Carpenter
** Specific facilitator approved course – N. Toso
*** Specific facilitator approved course – A.Preble
I look forward to my next training, the facilitators make the trainings fun, enjoyable, and engaging!
Facilitators are informative and charming which makes the training more engaging.